One (1) Day Comprehensive Biostimulators: Hands-on injections of Sculptra to Face and Body Course : January 21st, 2025 from 9:00AM-5:00PM
Introduction to the various biostimulators including Sculptra, Hyperdilute Radiesse, and PRFM. Ideal candidates for treatment, age and expectations, how to properly assess the patient, product preparation and various dilutions of Sculptra. Hands-on injections of Sculptra to face, neck, and body areas.
Introduction to the various biostimulators including Sculptra, Hyperdilute Radiesse, and PRFM. Ideal candidates for treatment, age and expectations, how to properly assess the patient, product preparation and various dilutions of Sculptra. Hands-on injections of Sculptra to face, neck, and body areas.
Introduction to the various biostimulators including Sculptra, Hyperdilute Radiesse, and PRFM. Ideal candidates for treatment, age and expectations, how to properly assess the patient, product preparation and various dilutions of Sculptra. Hands-on injections of Sculptra to face, neck, and body areas.