One Day Chin/Jawline Filler Course: June 26th, 2025 from 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Anatomy of the lower face including the chin and jawline. Differences in male vs. female anatomy and gender jawline preferences. Hands-on injections of filler to the chin, marionette lines, and jawline. Needle and cannula options. Approved for 7.0 hours of Category 1 CME credits.
Anatomy of the lower face including the chin and jawline. Differences in male vs. female anatomy and gender jawline preferences. Hands-on injections of filler to the chin, marionette lines, and jawline. Needle and cannula options. Approved for 7.0 hours of Category 1 CME credits.
Anatomy of the lower face including the chin and jawline. Differences in male vs. female anatomy and gender jawline preferences. Hands-on injections of filler to the chin, marionette lines, and jawline. Needle and cannula options. Approved for 7.0 hours of Category 1 CME credits.